The 3rd meeting in Latvia - culture: Our cultures: alike or different?

• Students' presentations about national food, costumes, holidays and festivals (also art festivals), national symbols, architecture, famous monuments,e.t.c. of their countries. 
• Visiting Limbaži, students used mobile devices using ActionBound app visiting Limbaži town. They got to know town in interactive way.
• ICT workshops - students created video.
• Workshop with Latvian artist.
• Students worked about similarities and differences of our cultures and presented the result to other students, teachers and parents.
• Creating digital poster about the activities of the mobility week.
• Kahoot game about cultures (involving students, teachers and parents).
• Farewell with students, teachers and parents.

Our cultures: alike or different?

Veidots ar Padlet

Digital poster about the activities of the mobility week.

Click the link below:


Nordplus project 2020 -2021

    ArTi©T 1. Latvia, Pāle Primary school, project coordinator   2. Lithuania, Vydunas Gymnasium