We will organize three meetings (in each country). Each meeting has a different topic.
> The 1st meeting - in Estonia (art). Baltic art of the XX century: what can we learn from history of ours.
> The 2nd - in Klaipeda (theatre). Artist as a character of the play: create and perform.
> The 3rd - in Latvia (culture and ICT). Our cultures: alike or different?
After student’s exchange participants will create digital poster about the activities of the mobility week.
During all project period we will have different activities. During the project students will take photo and video about the activities of the project. They will create learning videos and will post on the website, project blog.
August 2020:
• On-line meeting with teachers (info, preparations).
• Forming project teams working on projects and sharing responsibilities in each partner country (approved and signed by headmasters)
September 2020:
• Creating media websites for sharing project activities and using as working platforms (eTwinning,
Instagram, Twitter, Facebook).
• Project corner in each partner school.
• Pre-project assessment questionnaires (students, teachers, parents).
• Getting to know each other's cultures. Each country prepares 5 - 7 questions about their culture (with four answers - one correct and three incorrect) and send to Latvia by email. Latvia will create Kahoot game.
October 2020
• Logo of the project (logo competition on eTwinning platform)
• Making presentations about Baltic countries' famous artist of XX century.
• Learning to use ICT tools applicable in art lessons.
• Kahoot game about culture in partner countries.
November 2020
The 1st meeting (in Estonia) - Art: Baltic art of the XX century: what we can learn from history of ours.
• Presentations about artists.
• Workshops to learn how to use GPS art, 3D pens, 3D modelling. Students and teachers will learn to
use tools to create a piece of art.
• Students/teachers presentations on ICT use in art lessons.
• Three International groups will create a piece of art, that will be presented for the school community as exhibition.
• Creating digital poster about the activities of the mobility week.
December 2020
• Script writing (using eTwinning platform or google doc): each country writes a script for a play about art and painters of 20th/21st century.
• Learning to use ICT tools applicable in theatre lessons.
January 2021
The 2nd meeting (in Lithuania) - theatre: Artist as a character of the play: create and perform.
• Acting the play, performance(s).
• Workshops on theatre. a) Teachers will learn how to integrate theatre in curriculum and students will gain some acting proficiency. b) Movie Maker, videomaker will be presented as the tools to disseminate the plays.
• Students/teachers presentations on ICT use in art lessons.
• Three International groups will create a short play, that will be presented for the school community.
• Creating digital poster about the activities of the mobility week.
February 2021 - March 2021
• Preparing presentations on cultural identity (dance, clothes, cuisine, art and theatre)
• Online leaflets and posters of the countries.
• Preparing presentations about the ICT tools that were mastered during the project.
April 2021
The 3rd meeting (in Latvia) - culture: Our cultures: alike or different?
• Students' presentations about national food, costumes, holidays and festivals (also art festivals),
national symbols, architecture, famous monuments,e.t.c. of their countries. Kahoot game about cultures (involving students, teachers and parents).
• Visiting the Art School in Limbaži, art exhibition, ”Tīne” - wool processing company with a long tradition of home textile design. Students will use mobile devices using ActionBound app visiting Limbaži town. They will get to know town in interactive way.
• ICT workshops (e.g., students will make video tutorials), teachers` presentations on using ICT in art
• Workshop with Latvian artist.
• Project partners create e-book on integration of art and ICT. The book will be shared with Latvian
community and partner schools.
• In mixed groups (LT+LV+EE) students will work about similarities and differences of our cultures and will present the result to other students, teachers and parents.
• Creating digital poster about the activities of the mobility week.
• Farewell with students, teachers and parents.
May 2021
• Final evaluation.
• Questionnaires will be filled by students, teachers and parents to evaluate the growth and the students and teachers.
• Teachers will write three lesson plans on art, theatre and ICT integration and will share the learning
outcomes in conferences (three presentations in the conferences).
• Art teachers in their school will have ICT integrated lessons (10 lessons per year). It will be included in their yearly curriculum programs.
June 2021
• Report about the project.
• Future projects planning.